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The Banks Cincy

News and Press

The Banks’ commercial space 94% leased

The commercial space in the first phase of The Banks is 94 percent leased, according to a newly released report on The Banks.

The 300 apartments at Current at The Banks remain 100 percent filled, and the public portions of the project remain on time and on budget, according to the report by issued by Cincinnati and Hamilton County officials.

Crave, Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar and Grill, Tin Roof, Mahogany’s and Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse all opened at the riverfront development in 2012, the report noted, and Yard House is under construction.

The report doesn’t mention that the developers, Carter and the Dawson Co., are suing Toby Keith’s for not paying more than $121,000 in rent for the past three months.

The bar hasn’t responded to the filing in Hamilton County Common Pleas Court or the Enquirer’s requests for comment. However, on its Facebook page it said the developer violated the lease by allowing another country-themed live-music venue — presumably Tin Roof — to join the development.

Construction on the public portion of the project maintained 36 percent Small Business Enterprise participation, surpassing its 30 percent goal. In addition, all five Disadvantaged Business Enterprise projects exceeded Ohio Department of Transportation goals.