The rainy summer has not impeded construction on the latest phase of the Banks, the mixed-use development along Ohio’s riverfront.
Each week, The Banks Public Partnership provides progress update photos. The latest ones show progress on the roundabout in front of the Roebling Suspension Bridge and the Pete Rose Way pedestrian bridge.
Project officials also announced some traffic closures:
- Pete Rose Way between Broadway and Johnny Bench Way will be closed July 8 and 9 for delivery of the two very large steel girders that will be the foundation of the pedestrian bridge.
- Beginning July 10, Pete Rose Way’s north and south curb lanes and north sidewalk will be closed to allow work on the steel girders.
- The sidewalk on the southwest corner of Third and Broadway, as well as the curb lane, will be closed for approximately one month for sidewalk improvement and fencing installation for the Dumbo Lot.
- Sidewalk on Second Street between Elm and Race streets will be closed for waterproofing and underground repair in preparation for Second Street Pedestrian Improvement construction that will begin later this summer.