Fifth Third Community Days at the Freedom Center

Sunday, November 19 2023 | 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Enjoy free admission on the fifth and third Sunday each month, plus MLK Day and Juneteenth.
The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center creates a collective heritage, a more complete history that unites our local and national community. Our museum helps shape and reflect our community, making us a community anchor and convener of dialogue. By providing free access to our galleries through our Fifth Third Community Days, we are equipping a new generation of freedom seekers and advocates with the education and resources needed to make positive personal and collective impact.
Reserve your tickets online or in-person.
Fifth Third Community Days are made possible through the generous support of the Fifth Third Foundation.
2023 DATES
January 16 (MLK Day)
February 19
March 19
April 16
April 30
May 21
June 19 (Juneteenth)
July 16
July 30
August 20
September 10*
October 8*
October 29
November 19
December 3*
December 31