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The Banks Cincy

News and Press

Bill could allow open containers in entertainment districts

State Sen. Eric Kearney introduced legislation Thursday that would allow entertainment districts like the Banks to allow open containers for patrons walking from one establishment to another.

“I think it’s a good idea,” said Banks patron Corey Steinhauser. “A lot of times, if you’re walking in between bars, it’s nice to be able to carry a beer in the street to go to the next bar.”

People throughout the Banks were toasting the new proposal.

“I think it’d be awesome,” said Banks patron Mike Leonard. “I’ve often said Cincinnati needs to loosen up and have some entertainment districts just like that. New Orleans, Las Vegas, Beale Street. It’d be great, especially in this area around the Banks and around the casino. I think it’d be a great idea.”

Customers from Mahogany’s to the Tin Roof to Holy Grail said it would draw interest from people out of state, giving cash drawers a boost.

Holy Grail Manager Marty Crail spent several years working in Louisville’s Fourth Street Live district, where laws permit open containers. He said the sobering effect of an alcohol-friendly district is bigger business.

“I think it will bring a lot more people down here, a lot more activity down here,” Crail said. “A little different than what most people have around here.”

The number of open container districts each Ohio city could have would be based on population. Kearney’s staff said Cincinnati would be allowed two or three.

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